Friday, December 30, 2005

The world's most expensive... and disturbing... coffee

I'm not sure I could bring myself to drink coffee that an animal shit out its ass, I don't care how rare, expensive or presitious it is...

Kopi Luwak beans from Indonesia are rare and expensive, thanks to a unique taste and aroma enhanced by the digestive system of palm civets, nocturnal tree-climbing creatures about the size of a large house cat....

Despite being carnivorous, civets eat ripe coffee cherries for treats. The coffee beans, which are found inside of the cherries, remain intact after passing through the animal.

Civet droppings are found on the forest floor near coffee plantations. Once carefully cleaned and roasted, the beans are sold to specialty buyers.

...So far, most of the orders have been from California.

I emphasized that last part. It so figures.